Ghani: Afghanistan having ‘1861 moment’ amid U.S. troop withdrawal

The meeting between the leaders comes amid concerns that the Afghan government could collapse within months of the U.S. withdrawal.

The Afghan leader appeared resigned to the decision and spoke in both somber and positive tones. He brought up the U.S. embassy in Afghanistan, which will continue to operate, and America’s continued financial support for the country. He also said Biden will ensure that the Covid-19 vaccine makes its way to the Afghan people as the country continues to grapple with the pandemic in tandem with growing Taliban advances.

Of the “1861 moment” Ghani described, he said Afghanistan is “rallying to the defense of the republic, determined that the republic is defended. It’s a choice of values, the values of an exclusionary system or an inclusionary system. We are determined to have unity, coherence, national sense of sacrifice and will not spare anything.”

Biden told the Afghan leaders that though U.S. troops are leaving the country, America will still support Afghanistan through economic and political means, as well as helping the country maintain its military. The U.S. is expected to leave some 650 troops in the country.

“The senseless violence has to stop, but it’s going to be very difficult,” the president said. “But we’re going to stick with you and we’re going to do our best to see to it you have the tools you need.”

Biden told Ghani and Abdullah they are doing important work by “trying to bring about unity among Afghan leaders” and said Afghans will have to decide what they want from their future.

“And they both got very difficult jobs,” Biden said of the leaders. “Every time I think I’ve got a tough job, I think of Mr. President.”

Throughout the day, Ghani’s message was one of perseverance as the Taliban advances in Afghanistan. He said the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces had retaken six districts that day.

“Let us understand that in great moments of transition, things happen,” Ghani said at the meeting with Biden. “But you will see that with determination, with unity and with the partnership, we will overcome all odds.”
